Minor Update

New Update live:

Change log:

"Fix border issue on resize and increased default volume"
"Drop velocity when coliding with an island."
"Reworked Debris: Debris will always give gold. Debris in addition to gold, will provide repair debris 30% of the time. Debris gold increase from 24G to 40G. Debris drop rate increased from 35% to 75% Navy kill no longer rewards gold, only bounty"
"Add DragNDrop Tutorial message when crew panel first opens"
"Change TopBannerCanvas to overlay so that it will show messages on top of other panels (ie crewpanel) Disable the raycaster on MovementCanvas to allow shooting when mouse is on top of the movement controls (this will not allow the mouse to increase the throttle level)"
"Move the message holder a bit to have better visibility of the text"
"Add active ability tutorial message. Dont allow tutorial timer to decrease on disabled tutorials."


outcast-html.zip Play in browser
Version 5 Apr 21, 2019

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